Orchid Cactus
Great big thanks to Stacy’s cousin Meryl for identifying my rescued plant. It is an Epiphyllum Oxypetalum, a night-blooming Cereus, the "Queen of the Night."
Epiphyllums are true cacti but are more often labeled as "Epicacti" or "jungle cacti" to differentiate them from desert flora. Many plant lovers also call them "orchid cacti" because of

Jungle cacti are the pinnacle of cacti evolution... having moved into the treetops to exploit that unique environment -- the same one occupied by many orchids. Like orchids, epiphyllums have evolved into epiphytic plants which live on the surface of other plants. Epiphytes take their nourishment from the environment and not from their host plant.
This is more information than you want to know about my rescued plant, but something that made me feel sort of proud, is it is called an orchid cacti. So I was on the right track when it reminded me of an orchid but at the same time it has qualities like a cactus. The picture is what its bloom looks like when it opens at night.
Do you think I should return it to my son when we move or is there someone else that would take it? Wisconsin is not a climate for these plants and I am not sure it would make it inside, but maybe.
Thanks again Meryl.