Remember Your Mother - all of them
Mother’s Day 2009. What does this day mean to people in the US?
For young children it means an opportunity to show off your creativity - paper flowers, pictures, clay objects, plaster of Paris hand prints, cooking abilities, etc.
For older children it is a sentimental reminder of what our mother has done for us, yet not wanting to be too sentimental or our mother will wonder what are we up to.
For husbands it means walking the fine line between showing appreciation for your wife, the mother of your children, and not alienating your own mother.
For women who are not mothers either by choice or nature, the day can be a mixed up mess of emotions.
For women who have outlived their children it is a day of sadness.
So on this sentimental holiday it can be very confusing to try and figure out what to do. The Bible says "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.Exodus 20:11-13 " You may not know what is the right thing to do on Mother’s Day but you know not to do anything is absolutely the wrong thing to do.
So, to the mothers that gave us life, to our “other” mothers that helped us live life , to our aunts that help us keep a perspective of our parents, to future mothers who give us hope, and to past mothers that gave all they could - I wish you the happiest of days!
Elaine H.
Labels: family, Mother's Day, parents
I hope you had a terrific mother's day and that things up your way are going well!
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