What Difference Does It Make?
When I consider what is going on in the world today, wars, hatred, bigotry, cheating, and the list goes on … I am drawn to the Ecclesiastes. Solomon wrote about the heart of man and how all that man does in his life seems to be meaningless – that is sort of how I feel right now.
What does it matter if I am a good person – who cares and what difference will it make in a hundred or even ten years?
What does it matter if the Jews and Arabs kill each other – they have been doing that for centuries and don’t seem to be inclined to stop?
What difference does it make – why do we struggle to be good, to stand up for what we believe in, work so hard to care for our families, volunteer to help others?
What difference does it make – people hate you for beliefs, envy what you have, spread gossip about you, steal from you, and kill you.
What difference does it make?
Solomon saw all of this, felt it, and his conclusion:
Ecclesiastes 12
13 Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
So when I see the evil things that happen in the world I must remember that is for God to judge my duty is to keep His commandments. His commandments include caring for my family, work hard, standing up for what I believe is right, doing what is right, and serving my fellow man in whatever way I can. God will judge my entire life the good and the bad, so I will continue to try and be a good person to fulfill what God has commanded.
What difference does it make – an eternity!
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