Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Growing Past the Pain

My heart cries out for the people from Louisiana, particularly from New Orleans. These people have lost their homes, businesses, and families. But at the same time I am very concerned about my own home, Houston, and the other places that accepted these refugees. My concern is that they will become dependent on our generosity like so many have become dependent on the government's generosity.

We see these homeless people so grateful for what is being provided but there are unsaid things that concern me. One lady stated she couldn't believe how caring everyone in Houston has been not like she was treated back in New Orleans. I hope she is referring to the short term madness that has possessed New Orleans and not her way of life.

People will give and give to help those that need help but at some point the people who need help need to start helping themselves. These people will need to start a new life. This new life needs to include a job - right now any job. They should not expect that the people of Houston or wherever will support them for the rest of their days because they had this horrible thing happen in their lives. We all face horrible things what separates us is how we respond or in the words of my mother "pick yourself up and if you fall pick yourself up again."

When we give and help other people we find ourselves - frequently a better version of ourselves. But when we work through the difficulties we do find we are much better than the person we were before. Accept help as it is intended - as short term help while beginning your new life. It takes time to work through problems, but the best time to start "picking yourself up" is today.
Bike Riding Elaine


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